Wise Sayings No.  1

Author : Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quotes Type : Self Improvement
       What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

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Inspirational Quotations Authors.

| D. Elton Trueblood|| George MacDonald|| Moliere|| Ralph Waldo Emerson|
| Robert M. Pirsig|| The Reverend Jesse Jackson||*||0|
|A.Lincoln||Abraham H. Maslow||Abraham Lincoln||Adolf Hitler|
|Aesop||AJM.||Alan Alda||Alan Kay|
|Alan Loy Mcginnis||Albert Camus||Albert Einstein||Albert Schweitzer|
|Albert Schweizer||Aldous Huxley||aleke chris||Alexander Bain|
|Alfred D Souza||Alfred Hitchcock||Alice Walker||Anatole France|
|ANDREKA MELCHOIR||Anna Eleanor Roosevelt||Anne Armstrong||Anne Marie|
|Anonymous||Anthony Robbins||Aristotle||Arland Gilbert|
|Art Buchwald||Arthur Ashe||Arthur H. Stainback||Arthur James Balfour|
|Audray Landrum||August Wilson||Ayn Rand||Azie Taylor Morton|
|Barbara De Angelis||Belgian||Ben Franklin||Ben Shahn|
|Benjamin Disraeli||Benjamin Franklin||Benjamin Spock||Bernard M. Baruch|
|Bertolt Brecht||Bhagavad Gita||Bill Bradley||Bill Wulf|
|Billy Crystal||Billy Hughes||birthday boy||Bishop Talbu|
|Bob Hope||Bob Paisley||Bob Richards||Bob Tyler|
|BoingBoing||Booker T. Washington||Brahma Kumaris||Brian Tracy|
|Brittany Murphy||Bucket||buddha||by way of Sandy Novotney|
|C.T.||Callie Ledyard||Calvin||Carisa Bianchi|
|Carl Sagan||Carolyn||Carrie Martinez||Cathy Carlyle|
|Cato the Elder||Cesar Chavez||Charles A. Beard||Charles Du Bos|
|Charlie Brown||Chelsea||China Man||Chinese|
|Chinese Proverb||chris||chris aleke||Chris Widener|
|Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland||Christopher Morley||Churchill||Cicero|
|Clint Sprague||Confucius||Cort Flint||D. Elton Trueblood|
|dad||Dag Hammarskjold||Dalai Lama||Dale Carnegie|
|Dan Foley||Daniel J. Boorstin||Danny Devito||Dante|
|Dave Barry||David Brenner||David Letterman||David Malter in _The Chosen_ by Chaim Potok|
|Denis Leary||Denis Waitley||Dexter King||Dianna Booher|
|Dick Advocaat||Dick Cavett||Dilbert||Disraeli|
|Dneyshia McGlothin||Dolly Parton||Donald Trump||Dont Need To Know|
|Doug Firebaugh||Douglas MacArthur||Dr. Maxwell Maltz||Dr. Wayne W. Dyer|
|Dream On||Drew Barrymore||Dwight D. Eisenhower||e. e. cummings|
|ece||Ed Gardner||Edward Everett Hale||Edward R. Murrow|
|Edward V. Rickenbacker||Edwin Teale||Egyptian||Eisnhower|
|Elbert Hubbard||Eleanor Roosevelt||Elisabeth Guizot||Ella Wheeler Wilcox|
|Elvis Presley||Emerson||Emil Zatopek||Emory Austin|
|Enoch Powell||Ernest Hemingway||Ethan Daniel||Euripides|
|F. W. Robertson||Fast Food #1!||Flannery O'Connor||Florence Littauer|
|Football||Fortune Cookie||Francis Bacon||Francois-Auguste Rodin|
|Frank Lloyd Wright||Frank Lloyd.||Frank Loyd Wright||Frank Sullivan|
|Frank Zappa||Fred Allen||Frederick Faber||French proverb|
|Friedrich Nietzsche||Friedrich Schlegel||Funny Man||G. K. Chesterton|
|G.K. Chesterton||G.W. Hegel||Gail Sheehy||Gallagher|
|Gary Linneker||George Alliston||George Bengis||George Bernanos|
|George Bernard Shaw||George Burns||George Carlin||George Eliot|
|George L. Morrisey||George MacDonald||George Santayana||George Washington Carver|
|Georges Clemenceau||Gerald Fowler||Gerald Weinberg||Germaine De Stael|
|Gertrude Stein||Gordon B. Hinckley||Grace Hopper||Gracie Allen|
|Graham Hamer||Grenville Kleiser||Groucho Marx||H. L. Hunt|
|H.L. Mencken||Hadia Bejar||Hannibal||Happiness|
|Harold Kushner||Harry Emerson Fosdick||Harry Firestone||Harry Fosdick|
|Harvey B. Mackay||Harvey Mackay||Henny Youngman||Henry David Thoreau|
|Henry Drummond||Henry Ford||Henry George Bohn||Henry Louis Mencken|
|Henry Wadsworth||Henry Wadsworth Longfellow||Henry Ward Beecher||Herbert Bayard Swope|
|Herbert Kaufman||Hermann Hesse||Hilliare Belloc||Hindu Proverb|
|Holly McPeak||Hugh Downs||Humphrey Davy||Hunter S. Thompson|
|Ian Rush||Indian||Irish Proverb||Irvin S. Cobb|
|Irving Kristol||Irwin||Isaac Asimov||Iskandar|
|Italian||Italian Proverb||J. P. Morgan||Jack Benny|
|James Allen||James Buckham||James Dean||james harriet|
|James Russell Lowell||James Stephens||Jan Laurence Fernan||Jan Laurence Lavinge|
|Japanese Proverb||Jason Kidd||Jean Baptiste Moliere||Jean de La Fontaine|
|Jean Paul Richter||Jeddy||Jeffry A. Timmons||Jeremy Taylor|
|Jerry Gillies||Jesse Jackson||Jessie Jackson||Jevan|
|Jewish Saying||Jezickah Ramone||Jim Carey||Jim Rohn|
|Jimi Hendrix||Jimmy Durante||Jo Han Mok||Joan Rivers|
|Joel Hawes||Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe||John Adams||John Ciardi|
|John F Kennedy||John Glenn||John Keats||John Mendosa|
|John Quincy Adams||John Ruskin||Johnny Carson||Johnny Giles|
|Jose B. Cabajar||Joseph B. Wirthlin||"'<>Judith >"'<||Kahlil Gibran|
|kaleb||Karel Bruckner||Karl von Clausewitz||Katherine Mansfield|
|Ken Olson||Kerri Walsh||Kevin Gildea||Kim|
|Knute Rockne||Korn||Lady Borton||Lao-Tse|
|Lao-Tzu||Laura||Leo Burnett||Leo Buscaglia|
|Leo Tolstoy||Leonardo da Vinci||Les Brown||Leslie Stephen|
|Lewis Grizzard||Lopez||Louis Armstrong||Louis Pasteur|
|Luis Bunuel||Luiz Felipe Scolari||Madison||Mahatma Gandhi|
|Malay||Malcolm Forbes||Malcolm Margolin||Malcolm S. Forbes|
|Marcel Proust||Marcus Aelius Aurelius||Marcus Aurelius Antoninus||Marcus Tullius Cicero|
|Margaret Storm Jameson||Margaret Thatcher||Marian Wright-Edelman||Mark Twain|
|Mark Victor Hansen||Martin Luther||Martin Luther King, Jr.||Martina McBride|
|Mary Richards||Mayleen Francisco Martin||me||me!|
|Me.||Mel Brooks||Melissa Macias||Melissa Stuart|
|Michael Jordan||Mick Miller||Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi||Mike Ditka|
|Misty May||Mohandas Gandhi||Moliere||Mort Sahl|
|Mortimer Adler||Mother Teresa||Muhammad Ali||my self|
|myself||Napoleon Hill||Nathaniel Hawthorne||Nature’s law|
|Nelson Henderson||Newton||Nicole Alexander||Nido Qubein|
|Nidokidos||Nietzsche||Nike||Nisandeh Neta|
|Noel Coward||none||Not Sure||Og Mandino|
|Oliver Herford||Oliver Wendell Holmes||Orison Swett Marden||Oscar Levant|
|Oscar Wilde||Osho||Pablo Picasso||Paris Hilton|
|Patricia Fripp||Paul Gauguin||Paul MacCready||Paul Valery|
|Paulina||Pavel Nedved||Pearl S. Buck||Pema Chodron|
|Percival||Peter McWilliams||Peter O'Toole||Phil Neville|
|phill the pill||Phyllis Bottome||Pierre Laplace||Plutarch|
|Rainer Maria Rilke||Ralph Ellison||Ralph J. Bunche||Ralph Marston|
|Ralph Parlette||Ralph Sockman||Ralph Waldo Emerson||Ram Dass|
|Randy Gilbert||Ray Kroc||Richard Bach||Rimmer - Red Dwarf|
|Rob||Rob E. Geraghty||Robert Benchley||Robert Bloch|
|Robert Brault||Robert Bresson||Robert Browning||Robert Frost|
|Robert Kiyosaki||Robert Louis Stevenson||Robert M. Pirsig||Robert R.Greenleaf|
|Robert Vallett||Robin Williams||Rodney Dangerfield||Romain Gary|
|Ronald Reagan||Ronaldo||Roy Benjamin||Roy D. Chapin, Jr.|
|Rudyard Kipling||Russell W. Davenport||Russian Proverb||Sally Koch|
|Salvador Dali||Sam Levenson||Samuel Goldwyn.||Samuel Johnson|
|Sandy Novotney||sara||Sara Teasdale||Sarah|
|Sarah N||Sarah Stratton||Scarecrow||Scott Adams|
|Sean Scott||Seneca||Seymour Cray||Seymoure Cray|
|Shakespeare||Sir Winston Churchill||Siro||smiley|
|Somerset Maugham||Stephen Covey||Steve Lomas||Steven Gerrard|
|Steven Wright.||Sting||Story||Stuart Pearce|
|Sun Tzu||Swami Sivananda||Swedish Proverb||Sydney Bremer|
|Terry Pratchett||Theodore Roosevelt||Thich Nhat Hanh||Thierry Henry|
|Thomas Carlyle||Thomas Edison||Thomas Fuller||Thomas H. Huxley|
|Thomas Watson||Thoreau||Tia||Tom Clancy|
|Tom Hopkins||Tommy Cooper||Tony Jeary||Truman Capote|
|Tunisian Proverb||Tupac||Tupac Shakur||UB40|
|V||Vermont Proverb||Vince Lombardi||Virgil|
|Voltaire||W. Clement Stone||W.J. Cameron||W.W. Ziege|
|Walter Savage Landor||Warren Buffett||Wayne W. Dyer||Wernher Von Braun|
|Whoopi Goldberg||Will Durant||Will Rogers||William A. Ward|
|William Hazlitt||William McFee||William Shakespeare||William Wordsworth|
|Winston Churchill||Woody Allen||Yogi Bhajan||Yousef|
|Zig Ziglar|

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