|<<<<|              Wise Sayings No 1 to 40.              |>>>>|

| 1 => 40 | 41 => 80 | 81 => 120 | 121 => 160 | 161 => 200 |
| 201 => 240 | 241 => 280 | 281 => 320 | 321 => 360 | 361 => 400 |
| 401 => 440 | 441 => 480 | 481 => 520 | 521 => 560 | 561 => 600 |
| 601 => 640 | 641 => 680 | 681 => 720 | 721 => 760 | 761 => 800 |
| 801 => 840 | 841 => 880 | 881 => 920 | 921 => 960 | 961 => 1000 |
| 1001 => 1040 | 1041 => 1080 | 1081 => 1120 |

 1Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Improvement | 2004-05-31 |
      What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson

 2Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Discipline | 2004-05-31 |
      If you're going through hell, keep going.
Author: Winston Churchill

 3Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Happiness | 2004-05-31 |
      The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.
Author: Wayne W. Dyer

 4Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Confidence | 2004-05-31 |
      First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Author: Mahatma Gandhi

 5Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Friendship | 2004-05-31 |
      To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
Author: Unknown

 6Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Maturing Altruistically | 2004-05-31 |
      Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great
Author: Mark Twain

 7Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Goals | 2004-05-31 |
      The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Author: Eleanor Roosevelt

 8Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Goals | 2004-05-31 |
      Hope is the companion of power and the mother of success, For those of us who hope strongest have within us the gift of miracles.
Author: Sydney Bremer

 9Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Goals | 2004-05-31 |
      When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get them, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.
Author: Leo Burnett

 10Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool.
Author: William McFee

 11Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Humor | 2004-05-31 |
      I no longer have the fear of being alone. It's cool to find out that you don't need a boyfriend to be happy.
Author: Drew Barrymore

 12Write your comments | Vote |By: [email protected] |Type: Self Improvement | 2004-05-31 |
      You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself
Author: Harry Firestone

 13Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Improvement | 2004-05-31 |
      A life is too precious to waste to spend on anything but the best.

 14Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Happiness | 2004-05-31 |
      Man alone, of all god’s creatures, can change himself for the better

 15Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Responsibility | 2004-05-31 |
      The clock of life is wound but once, and no one has the power, To tell just when its hands will stop, at late or early hour, So do today that noble deed, pursue it with a will, Delay not till tomorrow, your hands may then be still.

 16Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Goals | 2004-05-31 |
      For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow only a vision of joy and hope, Look well then to this day.

 17Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Humor | 2004-05-31 |
      Tomorrow never come.
Author: Rob

 18Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Discipline | 2004-05-31 |
      Inspiration seldom generates action, actions always create inspiration, do something – anything.

 19Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Humor | 2004-05-31 |
      A frustrated chicken should not vote for Colonel Sanders.
Author: Jessie Jackson

 20Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Confidence | 2004-05-31 |
      There is nothing more exhilarating than being shot at and missed.
Author: Winston Churchill

 21Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Humor | 2004-05-31 |
      Black holes are when God tried to divide by zero.
Author: unknown

 22Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Family | 2004-05-31 |
      Make the most of the fact that life is always changing. Change it for the better.
Author: Ralph Marston

 23Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Discipline | 2004-05-31 |
      That home made degree D.I.N (do it now) has turn more little shots into big shots - that any college degree.

 24Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Happiness | 2004-05-31 |
      Laughter is the cheapest tonic and vacation. It stirs the blood, exercises the chest, stimulates the nerves, chases grief, fear and wrath, wins friends, cures the blues, and gives all a cleansing rehabilitation.
Author: smiley

 25Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Career | 2004-05-31 |
      Doing what should be done, when it should be done, whether we feel like it or not.

 26Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.
Author: G. K. Chesterton

 27Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Maturing Altruistically | 2004-05-31 |
      When the politicians complain that TV turns the proceedings into a circus, it should be made clear that the circus was already there, and that TV has merely demonstrated that not all the performers are well trained.
Author: Edward R. Murrow

 28Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Career | 2004-05-31 |
      Daily ask yourself: How can I do this task quicker, cheaper, better, or more easily?

 29Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Improvement | 2004-05-31 |
      To sharpen your mind, select a topic and force yourself to keep talking about it for 10 minutes without stopping. That develops concentration, observation, memory, will power and fluency.

 30Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      Sharp words cut deeper than sharp swords.

 31Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Maturing Altruistically | 2004-05-31 |
      Anger is only one letter, and one second away from danger.

 32Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Happiness | 2004-05-31 |
      Raising your voice lower your power. Little people talk big. Big ones listen big.

 33Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      A kind and courteous “no” hurts less than a rude “yes”.

 34Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      Learn like everyone you meet. Look at two goods points or traits. You’ll always find them. Whoever he is, even a murderer, he has more fine point than bad.

 35Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Friendship | 2004-05-31 |
      A slip of the foot, you’ll soon recover; a slip of the tongue may last forever.

 36Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Friendship | 2004-05-31 |
      No one is rich enough to be without friends. Make new friends but keep the old. New are silver; old are gold.

 37Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      To accept a favor is to confer one. To refuse one is an insult. The open hand becomes the closed fist.

 38Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Personality | 2004-05-31 |
      No matter how busy we are, we owe it to others to be courteous, We can’t always oblige, but we can always speak obligingly.

 39Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Responsibility | 2004-05-31 |
      Two things are hard for the heart: Running up stairs and running down people.

 40Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Friendship | 2004-05-31 |
      Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer. Almost any compromise is better than a lawsuit. All lasting agreements are made by compromise. Nothing made by brute force lasts.

|<<<<|              Inspitational Quotation No 1 to 40.              |>>>>|

| 1 => 40 | 41 => 80 | 81 => 120 | 121 => 160 | 161 => 200 |
| 201 => 240 | 241 => 280 | 281 => 320 | 321 => 360 | 361 => 400 |
| 401 => 440 | 441 => 480 | 481 => 520 | 521 => 560 | 561 => 600 |
| 601 => 640 | 641 => 680 | 681 => 720 | 721 => 760 | 761 => 800 |
| 801 => 840 | 841 => 880 | 881 => 920 | 921 => 960 | 961 => 1000 |
| 1001 => 1040 | 1041 => 1080 | 1081 => 1120 |

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