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 1Write your comments | Vote |By: People |Type: Famous Saying | 2005-03-02 |
      Wagner's music is better than it sounds.
Author: Mark Twain

 2Write your comments | Vote |By: People |Type: Career | 2005-03-02 |
      Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses. Take charge of your own life.
Author: Jim Rohn

 3Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Growth | 2004-06-14 |
      Want to speed your progress? Cut out all non-essentials. Spend all your time and effort an essentials. Cut all puttering and dawdling.

 4Write your comments | Vote |By: Tupac Shakur |Type: Attitude | 2005-08-26 |
      Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal
Author: Tupac Shakur

 5Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Proverbs | 2004-07-13 |
      Waste No Time, Do It Now!

 6Write your comments | Vote |By:  |Type: Funny Saying | 0000-00-00 |
      Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.
Author: Mark Twain

 7Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Living | 2004-06-17 |
      We all get good and bad breaks. What we do with them decides our fate.

 8Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Emotions | 2005-04-29 |
      We all need encouragement. We can live without it just as a young tree can live without fertilizer, but unless we receive that warm nurturing, we never reach our full potential, and like the tree left to itself, we seldom bear fruit.
Author: Florence Littauer

 9Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Success | 2004-05-31 |
      We all need someone or something to inspire us to bring out our best.

 10Write your comments | Vote |By: raen symone |Type: Attitude | 2005-07-11 |
      We Are All Beutiful in are own way
Author: me

 11Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Success | 2004-05-31 |
      We are all motivated by a keen desire for praise, and the better a man is, the more he is inspired to glory.
Author: Cicero

 12Write your comments | Vote |By: Gertrude Stein |Type: Birthday Sayings | 2005-08-26 |
      We are always the same age inside
Author: Gertrude Stein

 13Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Improvement | 2004-06-01 |
      We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them.
Author: Buddha

 14Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Confidence | 2004-05-31 |
      We are immature, as long as we think we are an exception to the law of averages.

 15Write your comments | Vote |By: People |Type: Famous Saying | 2005-03-02 |
      We are not retreating - we are advancing in another Direction.
Author: Douglas MacArthur

 16Write your comments | Vote |By:  |Type: Attitude | 2005-05-13 |
      We are not who we are because of our abilities... We are who we are because of our choices....

 17Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Attitude | 2004-06-08 |
      We are what we thing we are. In the conviction of strength there are strength.

 18Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Living | 2004-06-01 |
      We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.
Author: Buddha

 19Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Sports | 2004-06-30 |
      We can buy players for £2m, but it's only when you buy a player for £6m that you can guarantee that they will bring something to the team every game.
Author: Dick Advocaat

 20Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Career | 2004-06-14 |
      We can change ourselves by emulating great men.

 21Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Self Improvement | 2004-06-08 |
      We can change ourselves by reading and studying, by meditating and praying.

 22Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Attitude | 2004-06-14 |
      We can changes ourselves by changing our thoughts, attitudes and actions.

 23Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Attitude | 2004-06-08 |
      We can never do a kindness too soon because we never know how soon it will be too late.

 24Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Friendship | 2004-06-16 |
      We can pull, but not push, a string, a man, a child, a customer, a friend.

 25Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Maturing Altruistically | 2004-06-01 |
      We can’t choose our relatives, but we can choose our thoughts which influence us much more.

 26Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Goals | 2004-06-17 |
      We can’t help creating the good – or bad we constantly thinking about.

 27Write your comments | Vote |By: Kerri Walsh |Type: Sports Volleyball | 2005-08-26 |
      We don't have a World Series or a Super Bowl, so to be able to come home with a gold medal is amazing. I want to do it again in four more years
Author: Kerri Walsh

 28Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Financial | 2004-06-01 |
      We don’t own expensive possessions. They own us by the expense of supporting them.

 29Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Growth | 2004-06-17 |
      We find comfort in those who agree with us, but growth in those who don’t agree.

 30Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Success | 2004-06-14 |
      We get ahead and rich by fighting our softness and laziness. If we prefer comfort and ease, Success is not for us.

 31Write your comments | Vote |By: Robert Kiyosaki |Type: Career | 2005-08-14 |
      We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them.
Author: Robert Kiyosaki

 32Write your comments | Vote |By: Aesop |Type: Humor | 2005-07-12 |
      We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
Author: Aesop

 33Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Attitude | 2005-03-02 |
      We have but one life--whether we spend it laughing or weeping.
Author: ece

 34Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Technology | 2004-06-14 |
      We have just barely started our voyage of discovery.

 35Write your comments | Vote |By:  |Type: Humor | 0000-00-00 |
      We have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language.
Author: Oscar Wilde

 36Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Maturing Altruistically | 2004-05-31 |
      We learn and grow most when we face the most extremes of weather, obstacles, religions, races, political parties, and points of view.

 37Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Attitude | 2004-11-26 |
      We must be as courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are willing to give the advantage of a good light.
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson

 38Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Goals | 2004-06-22 |
      We must have long range goal to keep us from being discourages by shorts range setbacks.

 39Write your comments | Vote |By: ece |Type: Attitude | 2004-11-26 |
      We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
Author: Marian Wright-Edelman

 40Write your comments | Vote |By: Robert M. Pirsig |Type: Self Discipline | 2005-07-12 |
      We must understand that when a society undermines intellectual freedom for its own purposes it is absolutely morally bad, but when it represses biological freedom for its own purposes it is absolutely morally good
Author: Robert M. Pirsig

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